Join us in the sacred town of Gokarna for profound rituals including Narayanbali, Nagabali, and Pitrudosha Nivarana poojas. Contact us to book your pooja.

We were established with a profound respect for Hindu traditions and rituals, particularly those dedicated to honoring deceased family members. Our founders, deeply rooted in the spiritual town of Gokarna, recognized the need for an authentic and accessible platform to perform traditional poojas. With a commitment to preserving the sanctity and significance of these rituals, we have become a trusted name for devotees seeking to perform these essential ceremonies.
Our roots are deeply embedded in the holy town of Gokarna, a place renowned for its sacred temples and spiritual ambiance. We are committed to preserving the sanctity and traditional practices of these ancient rituals, ensuring that each pooja is performed with utmost devotion and adherence to Vedic principles.


Narayana Bali Puja
Narayan bali is a necessary ritual which is performed to relieve the dead person’s soul who has undergone abnormal death whereas Nag bali is performed to get rid of the sin caused by killing a snake, especially a cobra, which is worshiped throughout India

Sarpa Dosha Parihara
This ritual is required when there are planets coming between Rahu and Ketu. This results in failure and rejection, owing to results not matching the efforts put in. This often leads to negativity, and inferiority complex. This Vidhi done by Vaidik procedure is very effective albeit very simple.

Pitru Dosha Puja
According to Vedic astrology, the Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja is usually performed in 5 days by 5 Pandits or priests. It starts especially on the day of Amavasya or is completed on the day of Amavasya. In this Puja, Pitru Gayatri and Narayan Bali are especially worshipped.